Attention bakers! Our childcare center will be selling baked goods to benefit the center at the JK-3 concert tomorrow. If you would like to donate any baked goods please drop them off at the school today or tomorrow!
over 5 years ago, Sara Andrus
All students have returned from the Opera trip safely!
almost 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Sharon Families, the bus will be about 30 minutes late. Our doors froze shut over the weekend and our drive was just able to get in and warm up the bus. Please let your students know.
almost 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Roads are plowed but will redrift in some spots. We will run on time today. Please drive safely and take your time.
almost 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Familias de Sharon, Debido a una condición de viaje peligrosa que se nos informó, la escuela se cancela hoy. El centro de cuidado infantil también está cerrado por el día. Se cancela la reunión TPA. Esperamos que su familia se mantenga cálida y segura.
almost 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Sharon Families, Due to hazardous travel condition reported to us, school is canceled today. The childcare center is also closed for the day. The TPA meeting is canceled. We hope your family stays warm and safe.
almost 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
The Sharon daycare is open. Please drive safely.
almost 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Sharon estará en un retraso de 2 horas hoy!
almost 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Dear Families, Sharon will be on a 2 hour delay today!
almost 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Greetings Families, Sharon Community School will be closed Thursday, January, January 31st due to the extended windchill warning. The daycare center will also be closed. School will re-open on Friday. Stay safe and warm!
almost 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Saludos Familias, Sharon Community School estará cerrada el jueves, enero, 31 de enero debido a la advertencia extendida del viento. La guardería también estará cerrada. La escuela volverá a abrir el viernes. Mantente seguro y cálido!
almost 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Saludos familias de Sharon, La escuela estará cerrada mañana, 28, debido a la advertencia de tormenta invernal. La guardería también estará cerrada. No habrá actividades por la noche. Mantente a salvo y nos vemos el martes.
about 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Greetings Sharon Families, School will be closed tomorrow, the 28th, due to the winter storm warning. The daycare center will also be closed. There will be no evening activities. Stay safe and see you Tuesday!
about 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Debido a la inminente acumulación de nieve y las preocupaciones sobre las condiciones de nuestras carreteras rurales, Sharon Community School y la guardería de Sharon estarán cerradas mañana. ¡Te veo el jueves!
about 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Due to impending snow accumulation and concerns about our rural road conditions, Sharon Community School and Sharon daycare center will be closed tomorrow. See you Thursday!
about 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
La escuela y el cuidado de niños estarán abiertos mañana según lo programado. Una declaración amenazadora fue encontrada en el baño de las niñas después de la escuela aproximadamente a las 3:25 PM. El mensaje NO era una amenaza de bomba y no era específico de una persona. Como precaución, cuidado de niños y actividades después de la escuela evacuados a la iglesia para recogerlos. La Sra. Lueck y el Dr. Andrus estarán vigilando los baños y los pasillos mañana. El incidente está siendo investigado. ¡La seguridad de nuestros estudiantes es nuestra principal prioridad!
about 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
School and childcare will be open tomorrow as scheduled. A threatening statement was found in the girls bathroom after school at roughly 3:25 PM. The message was NOT a bomb threat and was not specific to a person. As a precaution childcare and after school activities evacuated to the church for pick up. Mrs. Lueck and Dr. Andrus will be watching bathrooms and hallways tomorrow. The incident is being investigated. The safety of our students is our top priority! Anyone with information regarding the identity of this person should contact the office or local police. See you tomorrow and have a good rest of your evening.
about 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Thank you to all who checked on us today, including local law enforcement. Our fire alarm was falsely triggered during routine maintenance of our kitchen equipment. Childcare evacuated until they confirmed the false alarm and then re-entered the building. All is well!
about 6 years ago, Sara Andrus
Open Gym for the month of December has been cancelled due to conflicts. Open Gym and Movie Night will resume again in January.
about 6 years ago, Ashley Buchanan
The Open Gym scheduled for this Friday has been moved to Friday, December 14th due to Victorian Christmas.
about 6 years ago, Ashley Buchanan